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Allservices S.r.l.
Milan, 12-02-2025  

Contact us

 Please contact the below key people for any quotation request. We will be back to you asap.   

   CEO  Mr. Paolo Maderna  Tel +39 02518951  paolo.maderna@allservices.it
Air freight

Mr. Marco Balzaretti

Tel +39 0251895021 marco.balzaretti@allservices.it
Mr. Luciano Arcorace Tel +39 0251895030 luciano.arcorace@allservices.it
Sea freight Mr Luca Balzaretti Tel +39 0251895026 luca.balzaretti@allservices.it
Road Traffic Mr Luca Balzaretti Tel +39 0251895026 luca.balzaretti@allservices.it